それでも世界が続くなら (Though the world continues) - 水色の反撃 (light blue counterattack)


「復讐してやるんだ」 君が笑って絵を描く
("I'll take revenge" You laugh and draw a picture)
そんなの意味なんかないけど 君が笑うのは嬉しかった
(It doesn't mean that, but I was happy that you laughed)

手首にはたくさんの傷 その数だけ誰かを許したの?
(Many scratches on the wrist Did you forgive someone for that number?)
パレットにはたくさんの水色 君が一番 嫌いな色
(A lot of light blue on the palette, the color you hate the most)

今日も君が こうして生きてる
(You are still alive today)
それが僕は嬉しくて 痛いよ
(That makes me happy and hurts)
君が生きることは 君が笑うことは 反撃みたいだな
(You live, you laugh, it's like a counterattack)

今日も君が 泣かないで生きてる
(You are still alive today without crying)
それが僕は悔しくて 泣くんだよ
(That's what makes me cry)
完璧じゃなくていいよ そんなのどこにもないんだよ
(It doesn't have to be perfect. It's not anywhere like that.)
でも 君は生きてる
(But you are alive)

「自分が一番どうでもいい」 それが一番楽だね
("I don't care the most" That's the easiest)
何も感じなくて当たり前だよ そうやって自分を殺せたら
(It's natural that you don't feel anything. If you can kill yourself like that)

今日も君が こうして生きてる
(You are still alive today)
それが僕は嬉しくて 痛いよ
(That makes me happy and hurts)
君が生きることは 君が笑うことは 反撃じゃなくていい
(Your life doesn't have to be a counterattack to your laugh)

今日も君が 泣きながら生きてる
(You are still crying today)
それが僕は悔しくて 泣くんだよ
(That's what makes me cry)
完璧じゃなくていい 見なよ 僕だってそうだよ
(It doesn't have to be perfect, see me, too)
でも 僕も生きてる
(But I'm alive too)

君も僕も こうして生きてる
(You and I are living like this)

あそこで泣いてる あの子は誰だろう
(Who is that child crying over there?)
よくわかんないけど 僕らは生きてる
(I'm not sure, but we are alive)
