왼쪽부터 괴링 , 헤스, 리벤트로프 , 빌헬름
[웃은 이유]
재판중에 검사가
나치 독일 서열이
히틀러 - 헤스 - 괴링이라고 하니깐
괴링이 욱해서 내가 2위라고 외침
그걸 듣고 정신병인척하던 헤스가 빵터져서
괴링이 이샛기 쇼하는거 들켰노~ 하면서 웃는거
Telford Taylor's "The Anatomy of the Nuremberg Trials: A Personal Memoir" describes this scene:
"On the third day of the trial I witnessed, by chance, an episode which, apparently, no one else noticed and which gave me an impression of Hess's condition. I was sitting in the courtroom at the American Prosecution table while Ralph Albrecht was delivering his lecture on German governmental structure. It was my first opportunity to scrutinize the defendants and their counsel at leisure and close range. I was not paying close attention to Albrecht's presentation, but I heard him say that Hitler's "successor-designate was first the Defendant Hess and subsequently the Defendant Goering." This I well knew to be in error. The names were right but the order was wrong; Goering was number two and Hess number three.
Since I was sitting barely twenty feet from those two gentlemen, I looked to see whether either of them had noticed the slip and, if so, how he reacted. Goering was already waving his arms to attract attention, pointing to himself, and saying repeatedly: "Ich war der Zweite!" ("I was the second!") As these protests were pouring out of Goering, Hess turned and looked at him and burst into laughter. It appeared to me that Hess also knew that Albrecht had misspoken (Albrecht corrected the order of succession at the end of his presentation), and was vastly amused by Goering's characteristically vain reaction. I inferred from this occurrence that Hess's amnesia was not as complete as he had given out."
왼쪽부터 괴링 , 헤스, 리벤트로프 , 빌헬름
[웃은 이유]
재판중에 검사가
나치 독일 서열이
히틀러 - 헤스 - 괴링이라고 하니깐
괴링이 욱해서 내가 2위라고 외침
그걸 듣고 정신병인척하던 헤스가 빵터져서
괴링이 이샛기 쇼하는거 들켰노~ 하면서 웃는거
Telford Taylor's "The Anatomy of the Nuremberg Trials: A Personal Memoir" describes this scene:
"On the third day of the trial I witnessed, by chance, an episode which, apparently, no one else noticed and which gave me an impression of Hess's condition. I was sitting in the courtroom at the American Prosecution table while Ralph Albrecht was delivering his lecture on German governmental structure. It was my first opportunity to scrutinize the defendants and their counsel at leisure and close range. I was not paying close attention to Albrecht's presentation, but I heard him say that Hitler's "successor-designate was first the Defendant Hess and subsequently the Defendant Goering." This I well knew to be in error. The names were right but the order was wrong; Goering was number two and Hess number three.
Since I was sitting barely twenty feet from those two gentlemen, I looked to see whether either of them had noticed the slip and, if so, how he reacted. Goering was already waving his arms to attract attention, pointing to himself, and saying repeatedly: "Ich war der Zweite!" ("I was the second!") As these protests were pouring out of Goering, Hess turned and looked at him and burst into laughter. It appeared to me that Hess also knew that Albrecht had misspoken (Albrecht corrected the order of succession at the end of his presentation), and was vastly amused by Goering's characteristically vain reaction. I inferred from this occurrence that Hess's amnesia was not as complete as he had given out."